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Humidity 65 %
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Posts Etiquetados ‘Robert Egby’

«Durango is more picturesque than Gernika»

por / 6 noviembre, 2019

Robert Egby, an English author based in the United States, has recently published The Urkiola Boy, a historical novel that opens with the fascist bombing of Durango on March 31, 1937. Here we talk with the author. Is The Urkiola Boy a second part of For the love of Rose? The Urkiola Boy is not a […]

«Gernika has been used in so many stories and movies that I needed somewhere else and Durango fitted the bill very well»

por / 23 enero, 2015

Iban Gorriti | Gabriel Gorriti | Xabi Lozano | Nerea Larrabide | Peter Ireton Last year Robert Egby’s novel For the Love of Rose. A journey in three worlds was published. It is partially set in Durango and its surroundings during the Civil War. The writer and his partner, Betty Lou Kishler, visited Durango last April as part […]

‘Por el Amor de Rose’, título castellano para el libro de Robert Egby sobre los bombardeos de Durango de 1937

por / 20 enero, 2015

Mugalari | For the Love of Rose, la novela cuenta con una localización en los bombardeos de Durango de 1937  El año pasado se publicó la novela del inglés residente en New Jersey  Robert Egby titulada  For the Love of Rose. A Journey in three worlds, parcialmente situada en Durango y sus alrededores durante la época de […]
